You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

August 5, 2000 - 9:31:47 PM

My neck hurts and I don't know why. Prolly those darn kids I work with. It's ironic with how often I say "darn kids" that I love them so much. Today I had kids fighting over my hair. Usually I would be flattered, actually I was, however, it hurt like......... HECK! David stuck up for me though. He was like, "You guys are hurting Laura!" It was so cute. He was really worried about me. He said he'd beat them up for me :o)

I accidentally gave Jeremy the address for this page. He read what was in his package before he got it. I wigged for about an hour. Now I'm over it... I could care less now. We're having such a good conversation nothing else matters. Ok, enough teasing Laura... someone just let me meet the boy.. it's not funny anymore!

This world isn't fair. This world isn't fair. This world isn't fair. THIS WORLD ISN'T FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi......... did I mention this world isn't fair?

Good lord I wanna be with Jeremy.

I'm pathetic.. well look at this Paula.. is this enough for you? Darn addict.. you getta just read about me wanting Jeremy now.. nanananannana! I want Jeremy, I want Jeremy, I want Jeremy!

Ok, I hope I've thoroughly annoyed Paula now. I feel somewhat relieved. Now I getta spend the rest of my life wanting to be with Jeremy when I can't be.. surprise, surprise. Wish me luck! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.