You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Wear Sunscreen
July 23, 2000 - 11:57:29 PM

Today I learned a vital lesson. Don't go in the sun if you're taking antibiotics. I put on sunscreen.. SPF 30 even... but I still got horribly sunburned on my back and chest at the art and wine festival. Besides that, I had a great time. My friend Monica came with us so I didn't hafta wait for my mom and her friend and my aunt at every freakin boothe. That was a nice change. First time I've ever had freedom at one of these things, and it was a nice change. I could spoil myself. We walked the whole thing with 2 hours remaining, so what did we do? Stood under a boothe with mist coming from it.. visited the black mountain boothe 5 times... checked out any hot guys we could find. It was fun. I had some yummy food there too.

When we got back, since Monica was here I got up the nerve to call my babe in Idaho. I have phone phobia, so usually I wouldn't be able to do this without being hyper from having a friend over. It worked.. and I got to hear his sexy voice again. :::sigh::: Why can't I just move to Idaho? Life would be sooo much easier.

Monica and I went to the park near my house and filmed ourselves pushing these plastic grasshoppers Monica has down slides and stuff. She gave me one of em too :o) It was fun. We're gonna send the tape to Paula and Jeremy (the guy in Idaho). We make good dorks.

Next weekend Monica, Jenny, and I are going to visit my sister in Santa Cruz. We visited her before in April and never got to make another trip till now. I can't wait. Santa Cruz is a fun city.

My back hurts when I sit in this chair for too long. It also hurts cuz it's burnt. I hafta go to the waterslides for work on Tuesday. I really hope I can get out of it.. I don't need this sunburn to get any worse.

I never did anymore of that hw.. I'm such a bad girl. I'm determined to complete 2 chapters before next weekend. I dunno, though.. Jeremy's been online a lot lately. I shouldn't blame it on him, that's not fair. In fact, he was telling me I should do it earlier lol. That boy is too good for me.

Well, I best be going now before I write another book. TA! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.