You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Productive and in a Great Deal of Pain
May 23, 2003 - 1:32 a.m.

Whoa.. what a day. You know those days that aren't exhausting becaue they were all kinds of splendid fun, but because you got shitloads of stuff accomplished? Yup, that was today.

My mom and I went to the at&t store in Fremont to change my cell phone number and get a cell phone for my dad. Well, they had a nice little deal where we could get three *new* phones for free. Woo! Long story short, I have the coolest phone that's a brand new nokia model complete with a colored screen, wallpaper, a screen saver, and my very own coldplay ring tone that I downloaded. It sounds JUST like Clocks, I swear. It's so fucking cool. The thing that sucks is since it's such a new model, they don't have face plates anywhere. Pft. All in due time, I'm sure.

[/materialistic gloating]

Whoa, I just made an html joke, how nerdy am I?

After our at&t adventure, I went on an adventure by myself to every store I could think of at the hub and the mall where I might want to get an application. I ended up with ten of them. Tonight I filled every last one of them out. It took four and a half hours. I just finished. My right hand is numb, but somehow I'm still typing. My back is killing me from hunching over, and you would not believe the number of times I've written "all day" tonight. Ugh. Someone sure as hell better hire me after this torture.

Oh hey, I have a stalker. I've been getting over 100 hits a day, and so I'm convinced that someone is attempting to read my entire diary. That is quite a feat considering the fact that I'm quickly rounding up on 700 entries. (Still have no idea how I'm gonna celebrate that.. suggestions, anyone?) Anypoo, reveal thyself, stalker of mine! :::waves to stalker:::

Also, I've been getting lots of interesting search results that lead to my diary. I get hit upon hit as a result of a search for "vagina pictures" as well as "vagina shaving", and today I even got one for "pictures of how to shave a vagina". I laugh in the face of these people because while they're looking for porn most likely, (or in one person's case, serious help), they simply get a teenager complaining about her period and/or going to the vagina doctor. Haha, that's what you get, you pervs. Oh! I've also gotten a shitload of hits because of the damn entry I wrote about the Matrix Reloaded which usually consist of the words "orgasm cake" or "wipe ass with silk". I am thoroughly amused.

Hmmm.. I just realized the hits this entry will result in. Oh well. Bring it on, pervs. And feel guilty when you read this and realize that people are laughing at you. HAHAHHAHAHAHA!

psssst.. dashboard's playing in Berkeley on June 22nd. Dontcha wanna see it? dontcha dontcha?

I'm so lightheaded now it's frightening. I'm gonna go crawl into bed now. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.