You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Mraz and Recovery
October 7, 2003 - 12:51 a.m.

I've spent much time tonight reading Jason Mraz's journal entries on his website. I didn't exactly know they existed or know they were more introspective than the usual travel logs on bands' websites. I wish I could write like him. He writes like one of those diarylanders that everyone would have listed as a favorite. I usually avoid those because I'm a dork like that and I go for the underdog. I like reading what he has to say, though, it makes him seem more like a real person. He may be a recording artist who tours constantly and has fans throughout the world, but he's still a person.

"My astrologist says, 'these next two years will be all work and even if I tried to take time off for fun, I wouldn�t have any. And on love, well love will come eventually to love you. You will be loved. Looking for it now will only slow you down. It�s hard for you to love a single other these days. You will be in love with your work.' Great. That�s just what I need. Like work is going to tuck me in at night or hold my hand at the movies or smile at me from across the dinner table. Work will never spoon me."

I guess you could say I sympathize with him too :o)

I have a strange pain in my side a couple inches below my right boob. It hurts when I cough and blow my nose, but it doesn't just feel like overworked abs. I'm hoping it'll be gone by morning.

The antibiotics have kicked in and are slowly starting to help. I definitely feel better, but I was expecting more. I wanna be rid of this thing. I wanna feel normal again. I wanna go to class without worrying about bringing a box of kleenex with me. I want my mom to stop worrying about me. I want to be able to answer with my usual "purdy good" when people ask the generic question, "How are you?" instead of the consistant, "eh" or "shitty" that has crept into my vocabulary in the last three weeks. I just want my health back.

And now I'll end this entry, but not without recommending Jason Mraz to you in every way, shape, and form. His music is great too. The boy's got talent. I wish I had that kinda power with words. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.