You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Driving, Aching, Braking
March 31, 2003 - 5:14 p.m.

So tonight I get to make the lovely drive back to school. I am really getting sick of that drive. I've come home every weekend this month, and that involves making the drive twice each time. No fun. No fun at all. At least I have music to keep me company.

The reason I'm especially not looking forward to the drive is because my legs are still aching a tad. They're much much better than they were yesterday, but the tops of them still hurt whenever I make certain movements. Unfortunately, as I discovered when I went to turn in my application for the job with Fremont recreation, one of those movements happens to be going from the brake pedal to the gas pedal while driving. Ugh. Hope for no traffic for me. There is the hilly part on 101 right before you switch to 156 that involves breaking around curves. Damn. It's gonna be painful.

I didn't do much today. I didn't eat much today either. Don't tell my mom, but all I've had is lucky charms and ice cream. I was at the hub (unsuccessfully) looking for a new purse cuz the one I bought during winter break is already falling apart (cheap piece o shit), and well.. how could I NOT go to coldstone? I have become such an ice cream addict lately for no apparent reason.. it's quite odd. Anypoo, it'll be three hours by the time we have dinner, so I'm sure I'll be plenty ready for food, and she'll never know. My evil plan has worked.... hahahahahahha.

Have I mentioned how incredibly grateful I am to have today off? Mondays suck so much, especially since I have three classes, and to not have a Monday is simply wonderful. I getta start my week with Tuesday, which is a fairly easy day, and then I only hafta do my Monday/Wednesday schedule once. Damn, we need more three day weekends. Unfortunately this is the only one though :o(

Now that I've had all my transcripts and SAT scores sent to Sac, I'd like to know my application status, but the damn application status checker thingy they have on their website isn't working right now. That's just my luck. I doubt they wouldn't accept me, but it would just be nice to know.

I can't think of much else to say, but wish me luck with not braking too much on the way home. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.