You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

July 21, 2002 - 12:25 a.m.

Howdy. The last couple days have been so interesting that I haven't had the time to update. I figure I better do it now while I have time before more exciting stuff happens. Ok, that's gonna make it seem like this entry's gonna be a lot more interesting than it will. But yeah I've enjoyed myself, and that's what matters.

Last night, as I said would happen, Joe and I went to Hillsdale to eat some dinner at California Pizza Kitchen. After we finished our food, we shopped around a bit. I bought the Real World Chicago book. Theeeeenn.. I bought Joe porn! Hehe.. I love saying that. Really, it was some back to school catalogue at Abercrombie that had naked people in it, so you had to be 18 to buy it. Since Joe is oh-so-young, I had to walk up there in my paint-splattered pants, mismatched shoelaces, dirty-ass shoes, make-up-less face, and non-bleached hair and pretend I was interested in Abercrombie. The chick carded me and asked for my phone number. If she hadn't realized I wasn't buying for myself already, she sure did when I gave her Joe's phone number and Joe got a big case of the giggles next to me. It was purdy damn funny. The things I do for my friends! The porn I buy for my friends!

Afterwards, we went to my house. Jennifer and Amy joined us, and we watched A Walk to Remember. It was alright. Highly predictable, but the kinda thing I'm a sucker for. At least I admit it. Give me a romantic movie and I'll eat it up. We kept ourselves from crying by cracking smartass jokes throughout the serious scenes. It helped.

Today I got to sleeeeeep in. That was great. At two, Jenny and I started on our excursion to Raging Waters. Jenny drove, since she has a new pimpin car. It was purdy funny cuz I had to help her pump her gas. Her mom gave her different directions so the drive wasn't as hard. She easily wigs out in slightly scary situations, but that's normal. I remember when I used to be like that. Before you know it, Jenny will be an old pro. Not to say that I am one, but I'm definitely a lot more comfortable behind the wheel. Anyfuck, Raging Waters was incredibly crowded. I dunno exactly what made it channel 104.9 day aside from all the banners that said channel 104.9. We saw a guy with a channel 104.9 crew shirt on, and considered following him to find where the promotional stuff was hiding, but it was when we were on a hunt for churros. Nothing keeps us from our churros. We spent most of our time in the endless river because of the long lines. We went on one slide and went in the wave pool once, and that was it. It wasn't very cool, but oh well. I went to Raging Waters, and I have the chlorine stench to prove it.

After Raging Waters, Jenny and I went to Wendy's for dinner. Then I went to Joe's house and watched Big Brother and Moulin Rouge. I actually liked the movie a lot more than I thought I would. I think I was judging it by that crappy song on the soundtrack with the whores singing. Ew. It was another sappy love story, so I ate it up.

I left in my contacts for way too long today, and I have a bit of a headache because of it. That's not cool. I shoulda taken them out before I went to Joe's, but I was in a hurry to get there before Big Brother started. btw, goooooo Marcellas! Get that conceited asshole out of the house!

Ooooooo.. inside jokes:

Don't you hate it when you slap the big one? I dunno, I don't have much slapping experience.

I hope you like fire.

I gotta get me one of those green sweaters.

Stop carressing the steering wheel and drive.

Well, I think that concludes this entry. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.