You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Fire Logs
September 28, 2000 - 9:20:03 PM

Ok, since my other entry today wasn't too terribly long, I'm gonna type some more. And the audience rejoices.

The vet couldn't find anything wrong with Stacha just by looking at her.. so she hasta stay the night for blood tests. Poor Sta. She bit the doctor.. haha! She was purring so he thought she was gonna be nice, but when he was looking in her mouth she bit him. It was funny.. he had to go get a bandaid. He said he'd hafta warn everyone that the purr is misleading. He also said something that describes Stacha so perfectly: "She's not wild, she's just independent." That's my kitty :o)

Sign language was fun today. We keep doing this activity where we get in groups and the whole class signs about a topic and the group that signs most gets more credit and stuff. It's kinda fun. It's funny cuz Jason and I keep getting put in the same group. He was like, "you can't keep us apart Mrs. Lyons!" Did I ever type about when he tried on my jacket? It was really funny cuz it was small on him and it's a VERY girl-like jacket. Aaaanyway, today he decided to smell my jacket (don't ask me why), and he said it smelled like Barbies. I was like wtf? It smelled like me to me.. and bounce. I tried to get him with the, "how do you know what Barbies smell like?" but he brought up the fact that he has six sisters. Oh well.. I lost that argument. But Laura agreed my jacket didn't smell like Barbie.

Monica wants me to type about pretty poopoo, aka fire logs. I don't really find poopoo pretty, but I guess to each his own. I guess you can think a poop looks pretty if you're really proud of having completed it or something. I just don't find brown a very attractive color.

Jerry might lose puter privalages! Oh no! I would go through some major withdrawls... I got a fat headache when I went a day without talking to him! I'd hafta result to :::gasp::: the phone. Ewwwww... I hope his parents don't choose that as his punishment for ditching school. I told him he shouldn't ditch school, but nooooooooo. No one listens to the goody-goody.

"You'll remember me like a melody, yeah I'll haunt the world inside you." ~Fiona Apple

Ok, me done. I have dorito breath. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.