You think she's an open book, but you don't know which page to turn to, do you?

Anything for Selenas!
September 16, 2002 - 2:03 a.m.

Damn.. I didn't realize how long it had been since I'd written till I looked at my buddylist. Four days! Geez! What have I been doing? Not much really.

Jenny and I have been keeping ourselves busy doing various things like getting memberships at Hollywood video and going to Wendy's every other day. We went to Santa Cruz on Friday and reminised about the good ol' days when we were visiting my sister and I got a migraine and spewed in the curb downtown. Good times, good times. We avoided Alisa by leaving before her class ended that day, and she called us twice in order to give us a big guilt trip. She expects us to take her everywhere with us and take her anywhere she wants to go too. She's really starting to grate on us, and I think it's only a matter of time till one of us snaps... most likely me. It won't be pretty.

I have had sooooo much hw.. and I have saved it all till the last minute. The thing that sucks about college is that once you finish one busy work assignment and turn it in, you get another one right away. In high school there was always the chance that you wouldn't get hw cuz your teacher didn't wanna torture you, but torture is what college is all about!

As far as the social life goes, it's still purdy nonexistant. Just Jenny and me and our puters :::sigh::: Oh, and Alisa tagging along without even asking. We have been talking to the guy who lives downstairs often (the one I called odd a couple weeks ago...), but we mainly just bug the crap out of him for shits and giggles. The other night we went over to his room and played with his skateboard for two hours while he was trying to write a paper. Hehehehe... that was fun. We hafta do that again sometime cuz I wanna learn how to skate.

I really wanna sing right now. Bad. Life without choir is killing me. When I didn't have choir before, I could at least lock myself in my room and sing my heart out to a cd. Now I have no alone time. I sing in the car, but it's not the same. I don't entirely use my voice, and I don't get the same high I get off of putting my all into singing. I really need to take a choir class next semester.

In another subject related to choir, I miss Selena. I haven't talked to her since graduation, and I'm afraid we're gonna totally lose contact. All my other friends I talk to online or something, but whenever her sn's on, she never responds. I tried emailing her and didn't get a reply. I don't think she's ignoring me. Her puter has a tendency to be fucked up. I don't have a phone number for her, so I don't know what to do :o Alright, so Jenny can get a good laugh: Anything for Selenas!

Well my fingers hurt from typing. I guess I should get some sleep. I've gotta go to class, write an essay, finish a powerpoint, and do laundry tomorrow. Yucko. Ta! ~BOB

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BOB 101

Plot Thyself

Feeling: Moody!


All entries, images, and layout � 2000-2004, BOB :o)
Lyrics taken from the song Open Book, by Cake.