Here's what other people had to say:

At 2003-05-25 23:56:36, Zack's feed back was...
I just happened on your diary a few days ago.. and I like what I read. I might become your second "stalker" that reads every entry that you wrote, but not yet ;) But since I was "new" to reading your diary, and I didnt get mentioned :( because well, you dont know me :| I thought I'd sign your guestbook ;)
At 2003-05-26 06:22:28, Kaite's feed back was...
I'm really only signing in the hope of getting to play with the pinata ;) Kisses!
At 2003-05-27 02:33:02, nicole's feed back was...
I was thrilled to discover that not only was I at your party, I got to steal the tail off the donkey's ass! Yeehaw! Too bad for no prizes, but I was glad to be there. No, I don't much care for diaryland profiles. But I do enjoy reading your journal. 0=) Congrats on 700+ entries. 0=)
At 2003-05-27 18:13:11, namelessfojc's feed back was...
woohoo.........700............woohoo *happy grin*

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