Here's what other people had to say:

At 2003-04-23 18:14:25, ally's feed back was...
hey, you have a really cool diary!! and u are soo right, i have the dashboard unplugged cd as well and it sucks to hear the audience sing... they have horrible voices. would it be okay if i listed you as a favorite?
At 2003-04-23 23:08:03, nate's feed back was...
yeee, pepper spray! ouchies indeed. you should come be a cop in my city (pittsburgh), they seem fond of using the stuff against peace marchers. anyway, glad the piercings are healing up nicely... as well as *other* things, slowly yet surely :) keep smiling!
At 2003-04-23 23:36:50, Becca's feed back was...
Hi there again, The sweettarts picture looks amazingly cool. I have my navel pierced, too. I only have a ring and a little itty bitty barbell, but the ring I got the first time is still my favorite. And then my mom pierced hers at the age of 42, which I guess is cool, but she got the same ring i have. Ick :)
At 2003-04-24 17:21:13, fairyzebra's feed back was...
i got here via the banners...the sweetarts picture looks like one of those "what is it?" pictures they had in "Highlights for Children" where you had to figure out what it was and it was always a closeup of someone's left earlobe or something. Anyway, just wanted to say hi! i'll be back to read more later! :)

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