Here's what other people had to say:

At 2003-04-05 00:35:24, matthew grill's feed back was...
i know how you feel.
At 2003-04-05 01:36:19, erinluv's feed back was...
Oh God.. I feel terrible for you, and I've just had an evening of crying myself (for various reasons). Your entry made me cry too. You'll be okay, though, because you're strong and I have faith in you. I know you can handle anything. ps- don't ever feel afraid to bawl like a little girl.
At 2003-04-05 14:49:22, nathan j's feed back was...
UGH, what a way to spend the past 12 hours (and i suppose now it's closer to hour 36ish)... i'm so so sorry for what's happened. being broken up without really sucks, i know. just keep your chin up when you can, and let it all out when you can't. and if you need a shoulder to cry on, i have absorbent shoulders, let me know. i hope the rain quits and the rainbows come out in your heavens. *hug*
At 2003-04-05 14:50:15, undpunk's feed back was...
Oh my gosh, breaking up is so hard, especially when you still have strong feelings, i hope that you can move on, and maybe someday, if it's meant to be it will be with Charlie. Hold on, I know you can, your such a strong special person.
At 2003-04-29 04:52:37, BlackBird's feed back was...
whoa, I feel like Charlie. I did the same. This entry is very similar to that phone call I had with my girlfriend. It was a shame really... Though things between us are doing well now and we're friends. She's visting next month, so we'll see how things end up. I haven't read your diary in a long time, haven't read many diaries in a while. So sorry that this happened to you, I know how the pain feels. Hope you're doing better.

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