Here's what other people had to say:

At 2002-10-21 00:13:20, moon's feed back was...
So, you and me are in the same boat with this homework thing, I am sitting next to a stack of work for my business class due in like oh 9 hours, its a project... have I begun... no. But I did buy new makeup this weekend, even though I'm not really a makeup kind of person I was just feeling like I needed to shop, and I bought new clothes to maybe wear to class tomorrow when I am not prepared with my homework atleast I'll look good eh? Well back to plan A... I suppose I'll go do my homework. like your diary the cat is cute I have three.
At 2002-10-21 00:35:44, BuenaCabra's feed back was...
Why hello there you've got lots of pictures of a cat... and what else can I say... No time to read but perhaps intend to someday... if I remember the address anyway nice banner it reminds me of my stinkin diary with high school and college and a grump-tacular me.
At 2002-10-21 13:42:34, barrie's feed back was...
Hi, and hi again, you had a banner fly up on my site, i thought that was neet. you must have been a member from this place for a while. and you have words scroll accross your screen, you must tell me all your secrets, and i must finish reading some more of your entrys bye bye bye
At 2002-10-21 18:27:09, gErnez eLLen's feed back was...
I was brought here by your banner. Hi. I've been on diaryland for 2+ years, but I switched to the current diary name last year, so I guess it doesn't count. But yeah. I like what I've read so far. And maybe I'd come back soon, too, if it weren't for those cats. I'm not a cat person.

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